Author Archives: Ms Yuli

FS1-2 Art – Term 3 Week 2

We have completed our beautiful flowers and butterflies, and this week we studied the life of honey bees. We learned where they live, what they eat, and what they look like. We also examined the appearance of a beehive. To express the form of the honey bee, we used yellow cylindrical shapes and black striped paper, and for the beehive, we used paint and stamps to create its shape. Additionally, we made honey bee toys, and the children thoroughly enjoyed the various activities. Please look forward to our next fun art class!

Y1-2 Art – Term 3 Week 2

We’ve just finished creating a beautiful cherry blossom frame, and their artwork truly captures the essence of the beautiful month of April. It’s amazing to see what these young artists can create!

Y3-4 Art – Term 3 Week 2

The Y3-4 children have completed their Eva Armisen project, and their works exude a bright and vibrant energy, much like the artist herself. I hope that the children of HFS will continue to embrace the positivity and love that they expressed through their art.

Y5-6 Art – Term 3 Week 2

Our Y5-6 students have begun the process of coloring characters that they’ve designed, and they’re doing a fantastic job. I’m excited to see their final works, which should be completed next week. Next week we will learn and explore art with new topic related IPC.

FS1-2 Art – Term 3 Week 1

This term, FS1-2 kids are learning about the topic “Flowers and Insects”. This week, we explored this theme by painting beautiful flowers using various watercolor paints. Through this lesson, we discovered and learned about different colors and tones by experimenting with water and paints. Afterwards, we added a beautiful butterfly pattern to our paintings, and they looked amazing! Well done, everyone!

Y1-2 Art – Term 3 Week 1

What flower do you think of when spring arrives? In Y1-2, the kids are exploring the season by creating cherry blossom frames. They colored and designed their frames the way they wanted, and then put them together by sticking the pieces in place.

Y3-4 Art – Term 3 Week 1

Eva Armisen is an artist who depicts everyday stories through her drawings, expressing her characters with a unique sensibility in a comfortable and lovely manner. Her works radiate a bright and vibrant energy, transforming ordinary days into beautiful moments. This week, Y3-4 children were taught how to convey the essence of “spring cherry blossom” using Eva Armisen’s portrait style and techniques, similar to the way she creates her art.

Y5-6 Art – Term 3 Week 1

Munjado is a traditional Korean painting known as “The Ten Symbols of Longevity,” featuring ten symbols associated with longevity and good fortune. These symbols include the sun, mountain, water, clouds, rocks, pine trees, deer, cranes, turtles, and the fungus of immortality.

Y5-6 students used these characters to design and add them to their chosen lettering.

Y7-9 Art – Term 3 Week 1

This term in art class, our focus is on “All About Design.” We began by discussing the different types of designs that we encounter in our daily lives. Today, we started exploring how to create a cup package design by utilizing various elements of design. We analyzed different types of cup package designs and discovered visual appeal. Prior to this, the students were tasked with defining design and identifying its role in art and everyday life. They also learned about the fundamental elements of design, including line, shape, form, texture, color, and space. In our next class, we will continue our exploration of design by sketching on actual cups. This will give students the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge of design elements and create their own unique cup package design.

FS1-2 Art – Term 2 Week 11

As Easter approaches, we have been getting into the festive spirit by creating some beautiful Easter cards.

The FS1-2 kids have been busy using their imaginations to come up with creative designs, and I must say, the results have been simply amazing! All of the chicks on the cards are so cute, and the egg breaking symbolizes the true essence of Easter.

Their creativity and imagination have shone through in each and every one of their cards, and I couldn’t be more proud of them.

Well done, everybody!!!