Term 2 Week 4 Update

Firstly, I would like to say how nice it was to meet many of you last week, thank you for coming in. I am always available to meet so if you did not get a chance to arrange an appointment or if any questions or concerns arise, please feel free to contact me.

It was a super busy week, with lots of learning going on, sorry as I did not take many pictures of all activities.

In maths, the students worked on time, converting between 12 and 24 hour times as well as looking at schedules and timetables, reading and interpreting these.

In English, we spent each day writing a paragraph at a time of our portal story, to model to the students and make sure they follow the structure correctly. Then they would write their own paragraph based on their plan, making sure they think carefully about the devices we have learnt this term and making sure they include them.

To start the week off in IPC, the students looked back at each of the lessons to remind them of the learning and help make a display. The students looked at different types of landforms, making a scrapbook page with images, drawings, and lots of information, from the research they made. The students also presented the presentations they had made on biomes, they explained, the location, climate, animals, plants, and features of each biome.