Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 5

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely week. We have been very  busy learning lots of exciting new things here in Year 1/2. 

Mindfulness Club

Next week we’ll be making glitter jars in Mindfulness Club. Thank you to those who have brought in jars already.  If anyone has finished up some jam or pasta sauce, could you please send the glass jar to school on Monday for the activity. Many thanks.

ABC Countdown

Here is the schedule. The children are very excited about it!


Year 1 students have been learning all about pictograms and venn diagrams in Maths this week. We have had fun looking at what ice-cream flavours we like, counting animals and sorting objects into groups. The tuff trays were received with smiles this week and they all enjoyed creating their own pictograms today. Year 2 students have been drawing lines of symmetry and learning how to rotate shapes and objects both clockwise and anticlockwise this week. We completed pictures to make them symmetrical, practised quarter turns, half turns and three quarter turns. We had a blast practising a dance following directions today too! Have a look here!  


This week we continued our unit on Musical Instrument Families by exploring different musical instruments from around the world. The students got the chance to look at a really exciting website where they could explore different instruments from all 7 continents and research which families they belong to. In our Creators and Communicators unit, the students became composers and made some really interesting music using a new app called Walk Band. We tried to think about how different instruments are used to evoke different emotions. The students also learned that some instruments are played differently, even if they belong to the same family. This unit has been a lot of fun so far and the students have enjoyed being musicians and composers. 


This week we concluded our unit, “You’ll Never Believe It” by planning our own “scary” stories. The students had great fun coming up with their own characters. We then made our very own story boards with imaginative settings for our characters to go to. They all came up with some great ideas for their stories! They are a very creative imaginative group of children!! 🙂

In PE today we practised catching small balls with our feet and moving them from hoop to hoop. We also raced in our teams to collect small balls from the centre of the hall.  I have been reminding the students that games and P.E. are for us to learn new skills, work as a team and stay healthy. Some students got a little upset when their team didn’t get as many balls. Not taking the games seriously is a work in progress but something that I will keep discussing with the students.. I really want them to know that it is important to win. 

Positive Pathways (Behaviour Support Programme)

We unfortunately didn’t make it to the end of our Pathway this week and we have come across some big obstacles. We have been working on listening to instructions, lining up and being respectful in the lunchroom. I had to have several class chats about being respectful to each other and members of staff. I hope that next week we can make some progress! 🙂