A letter from your teacher on the last day of school

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow will be a busy, emotional day so I am writing to you all now 🙂

Teaching Year 1/2 this year has been a very rewarding journey. 

Our year has been filled with memories that I hope the students will remember forever. We went on some pretty fun field trips and fantastic learning took place. Our Christmas play was one to remember and I was so proud of you all on stage. We wrote to our penpals in Spain, learned how to be kind and there was lots of joy and excitement along the way. We ended the year with our trip to Gyeongju World and everyone had a blast!

It has been so wonderful to watch the students grow, both academically and emotionally. Each day they made me smile, made me proud and sometimes made me cry! 

I will never forget how excited you all got starting a new unit in IPC and the passion you show for learning (most of the time – hehe!).

It has been an absolute pleasure being your teacher, your mummy, your nurse, your counselor and sometimes your class clown!

I hope that throughout your primary school journey you carry on demonstrating the values you have learned in class. Remember to use your growth mindset and always put love and care into all that you do. I know that you can all achieve greatness when you try your best. Keep challenging yourself and believe in yourself. I know one thing for sure, you will all never forget how important it is to be kind. 

“It’s Cool to be KIND”

With Love,

 Mrs. Sim and Ms. Temple xoxox

Some parents have asked what they can do over the summer. I have prepared little booklets if you would like to keep your child entertained on flights 🙂 Of course no obligation to complete any of it and no need to bring it back to school 😉

I will send them home tomorrow along with their work 🙂

Please bring lunch as normal tomorrow. Pizza, drinks and treats from the PTA will be given in the afternoon at 2pm.

I wish you all a super, duper wonderful summer. Have great fun and make lots of good memories. Year 2, I am crying. Year 1, I will see you in August and can’t wait to see you all again.

Much love, Mrs. Sim.