Term 2 Week 7 Update

Another week has come to a close with some exciting learning happening.

We continued exploring the moon. We used moon play dough to look at the shape of the moon and craters on the moon. Then we wore our space suits and went to the moon jumping into craters, climbing over mountains, and crawling through tunnels.

We found moon rocks in the classroom and followed their path on a game of hide and go seek with one of the Moonbeams. The mama Moonbeam was hiding in our kitchen area! She told us we should investigate the rocks. So, we did. It was a great Maths connection as we looked at comparing the rocks by size and weight. We also counted the rocks and used 10 of them in a moon crater (hula hoop) to look at different ways to make 10 with some in and out of the crater. We also played some games with the moon rocks such as tossing them into a hoop, passing them around a little like hot potato, and seeing how tall of a tower we could make with them.

After all that, we began working on our space museum with a great literacy link practicing writing to make signs.

We then looked at vehicles and related that to vehicles used in space. Again we had an excellent maths connection sorting a whole box of vehicles by attribute. We drove our vehicles on a a yoga mat meant to look like the surface of the moon. And we drove moon buggies around the moon making sure we didn’t hit any mountains or fall into any craters. It was a fun time!

On World Book Day we read lots of books including Aliens Love Underpants and some books that the children brought in from home. If your child ever wants to bring a book in from home to have read in the class, that is something I greatly encourage.

Of course we had lots of play time. The students are incorporating some of our space play into their free play. They are forming new bonds with each other and working on problem solving.

This morning we began building a moon buggy that we will complete next week. Have a safe weekend. Stay healthy. And we’ll see you on Monday!