Term 2 Week 2 Update

We had such a fun-filled week with lots of creative learning.

We finished off our Unit 2 Phonics with the letters W and Q. And in Writer’s Workshop we continued to tell stories that had special meaning to us.

In Maths we continued learning about teen numbers. We practiced grouping objects by a group of 10 and then counting on to get a teen number. This skill is tricky but the students are starting to understand. We also practiced our estimating skills by looking at a pile of snap cubes that I made which was exactly 10 and then tried to grab enough snap cubed to make a teen number.

In IEYC we continued looking at jungle animals. We played that a crocodile was in the river and we had to get the animals across safely; we built bridges! Then we moved like different jungle animals with our jungle animal hats. We looked at beautiful tropical birds and used feathers to create our own bird. We also learned about a crocodile who didn’t want to share his river but as it turns out, he just had a toothache that was making him cranky! Once we solved his toothache, all the animals were allowed to come play in the river.

The children also showed great teamwork in their play this week. They worked together to create fantasy lands such as restaurants that made smoothies and cupcakes. They continued an ongoing game of “mommy and daddy”. They also worked very hard at problem solving such as doing their best to make a puzzle together. And of course, they continued to play animal doctor from our introduction to our Animal Rescuers IEYC unit.