Term 1 Week 0 Update

Week 0, that sounds a little odd but here we are. These first two days getting the hang of school certainly were fun and we’ll be ready for energetic active learning starting Monday.

But don’t think we weren’t learning this week! We learned about the school and its routines, our class rules, we met our classmates and all the teachers we’ll be interacting with as well as so much more. We even began our Math and Phonics.

In Math we started right at the basics – learning about the number 1. We’ll be building on this knowledge for most of the next 2 weeks as we go through numbers 1-5. We counted Popsicle sticks. We counted each other. We counted farm animals in a picture. We represented numbers 1-5 with blocks on a five frame and then did a corresponding worksheet colouring in squares to represent how many of a given animal we saw.

But it’s definitely not all worksheets in this class. We read stories. We dressed up. We played with Lego, dinosaurs, cars, and kitchen toys. It’s going to be a fun year with all these creative children in the class!

For Monday, please have your child come dressed in either their favourite outfit. We’re beginning our first IEYC unit called This Is Me and we’re going to begin by getting to know each other. A great show and tell will be talking about our favourite clothes!

You may have noticed your child brought home a yellow folder today. That is their library book bag. Every Friday afternoon the students have the opportunity to go to the library with Ms. Yuli. They can choose a book to bring home and you can read it with them. Please return the books in the book back every Friday so they can receive a new book.

A reminder that Tuesday afternoon we will have PE. There will be lots of running and activities going on so please send your child wearing appropriate gym shoes.

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you for a full, action-packed week of learning on Monday!