FS 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 1

In our first week FS1-2 friends learnt the colours.

We Identified the colors of the rainbow by watching music videos.

Then we sang a song together “I can sing a rainbow”.

After that FS1-2 friends drew their own rainbow and painted using colous we learned.

Here are beautiful rainbows our FS1-2 friends did.

Y 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 1

This week Y1-2 kids learnt about the color wheel and the color theory of warm and cool colors.
We explored the associations colours have with emotions and ideas.

Then we sketched the moon and the sun for creating our own warm and cool art project using paint.

Here are nice sketches done by Y1-2 kids did.

Next week we are going to add warm and cool colours to our drawings.

Y 3-5 Art – Term 1 Week 1

Atmospheric perspective is the effect you get when far away objects take on the colors of atmospheric haze.

It is what makes a painting seem to have form, distance, and look “real.” 

Y3-5 student learnt about atmospheric perspective this week.

We figured out the definition of atmospheric perspective with pictures and expressed it to draw hills with layers and different tones.

Next week we will add different height of trees to our hills.

Y 6-9 Art – Term 1 Week 1

Atmospheric perspective is the effect you get when far away objects take on the colors of atmospheric haze.

It is what makes a painting seem to have form, distance, and look “real.” 

Y3-5 student learnt about atmospheric perspective this week.

We figured out the definition of atmospheric perspective with pictures and expressed it to draw hills with layers and different tones.

Next week we will add different height of trees to our hills.