Monthly Archive - January2018

Newsletter 2017/18 Term 2 Week 3

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Dear Parents,


Wow!  Another exciting week at HFS!


After School Activities

 The first week of activities for our students was a huge success.  Our student council is hard at work brainstorming ideas to include even more activities next term!


Parent Meeting

 Parents are invited to attend a meeting on February 7th at 7pm at school to discuss the details of the plan to move HFS to a temporary site for the 2018-2019 academic school year.

 It is important that all parents who are interested in having their children attend HFS next academic year, attend.


Pictures from This Week

Y12 Y1/2 with Mr. Kearney Making Olympic Torches / Learning how to use a dictionary / P.E. Warm up routines / Math Multiplication


Y34 Y3/4 with Mrs. Munden Solving Math Problems


Y56  The Y5/6 students have been learning about all of the Winter Olympic events in preparation for an assembly on February 5th. We will be presenting a class created video and demonstrating some of our own games based on real events. Later on in Term 2, the Year 5/6 class will be organizing and preparing a whole school HFS Winter Olympics!


Y789Y7/8/9 Leading the Whole School Assembly


Warm Regards,


Peter McLeod

Newsletter 2017/18 Term 2 Week 2

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Dear Parents,
 We are now 2 weeks into the second term and we are happy to inform you that all is well at school.  Please check class pages for current information.
After School Activities
 Clubs will begin next Monday.  Be sure to sign up your child today!
Scholastic Book Order Time
 Today is the day!  The first book order event for 2018.  Students will be coming home with the Scholastic leaflets today.  Orders can start today and will continue till, Thursday, 22nd February.
 All orders can be made online at the following address:
 Simply click “shop now” on the “Mini,” “XD,” or “Teen” coloured boxes in the centre of the page and you will be able to shop for the books listed in the leaflets.  Please see Brony or email if you have any questions.  Happy shopping!!!
Term 2 Planner
 Term 2 Planner has been updated on the school website.  Parents can now check school events and class trips on the planner.


Warm Regards,


Peter McLeod

Term 2 After School Activities

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Dear Parents,

I am pleased to inform you that we will begin our after school activities next week. 


Please click here to fill in the form by the end of this week so we know our student numbers.  It looks like we will have an exciting second term of activities.


Learning Resource Centre
The LRC (Library) will now be open Monday-Friday after school for students to return/borrow books, do research or do homework.  Students need to take advantage of this free time in the LRC!!!!!


Best Wishes,

Peter McLeod

Newsletter 2017/18 January 9th

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Dear Parents,
Too Fast!
At our, “Coffee with the Principal,” this morning, parents were concerned with cars speeding in the compound.  Please keep your speed under the 20 km limit when driving on the compound.  We have also met with the housing management and security have been informed and we are working together for the safety of everyone.
We will also begin a traffic awareness campaign where we will discuss in assembly and in class, how to play safe in the compound when cars are around.
너무 빨라요!
오늘 아침 교장선생님과의 다과회에서, 학부모님께서 사택 내 차량이 너무 빠른 속도로 달리는 것에 대해 걱정하는 것을 들었습니다. 사택 내에서 운전하실 때에는 20 km 이하 속도를 준수해주시기 바랍니다. 사택 관리실과 경비실 담당자와도 모두의 안전을 위해 협조해줄 것을 요청했습니다.
그리고 어셈블리와 수업시간에 교통안전 캠페인을 시작하겠습니다. 우리는 차가 주위에 있을 때 사택 내에서 안전하게 노는 방법에 대해 이야기 할 것 입니다.
Parents interested in enrolling their child in our EYC programme, ages 3-5, please contact the school immediately.  We need to know the numbers involved, so we can consider opening our EYC department again in the future. We can make informed decisions if we know the number of students involved.
만 3세부터 5세 까지의 유치부 과정에 학생을 등록하기 원하시는 학부모님께서는 학교로 바로 연락 바랍니다. 빠른 시일 내로 유치부 과정을 다시 열기 위해서 학생 수가 얼마나 되는지 파악해야 하기 때문입니다. 의사 결정을 위해 관심있는 학생 수를 알고자 합니다.
Have a great week!

Newsletter 2017/18 Term 2 Week 1

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Dear Parents,


We hope all is well and you have settled into the routine of being back at school.  It was a real pleasure to see the students return after the break so enthusiastic and passionate about their learning. 


Cold Weather

The temperature this week has been as low as -9 degrees.  We have given the children the opportunity to eat their snack at break time indoors before going outside for fresh air.  Be sure that all students have gloves or mitts, a scarf, hat and warm socks.  As long as the children are dressed warmly, being outside in the fresh air is good for them. 


Class Pages

Parents are reminded to check the class pages on the website to gain information on all the exciting curriculum developments taking place in the school.



All students in the school are writing their own personal journal this term.  This is an effective way to improve both the writing and creativity in our students.  Be sure to ask your child what they are writing in their journals and have them read to you what they wrote.  Giving your child ideas on topics or issues to write about in their journal would also be helpful.


Learning Resource Centre (LRC)

We want to remind parents that the LRC is open after school on Monday and Thursday from 3:30pm to 4:10pm and from 1pm to 2pm on Wednesday.  We encourage all students to read a lot!



There will be a PTA meeting on January 16th at 2pm in Bungalow #10.  All are welcome.


Warm Regards,


Peter McLeod

Term 2 Rising Star Football Club

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Any student who is interested in soccer may join the class run in English.

* Especially, everyone is welcome to the open/trial sessions 5:50 – 7:00 pm on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th.

1. Coaches: Roberto from Spain/Canada and Philip from Korea

2. Classes: 9th January – 15th March
   – 4:45 – 5:45,
   – 5:50 – 7:00 pm every Tuesday and Thursday at the school pitch.
Time might be changeable by the sign ups.

3. Fees: 350,000 – 500,000KRW for the whole term with 25% sibling discount.

4. To sign up: Fill in the form below or feel free to contact coach Philip in English/Korean at

Coffee morning with the Principal on Tuesday, January 9th

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Dear HSF Family,

We will have another coffee morning for any parents who wish to attend on Tuesday, January 9th at 9:05 in the ESL room.  In the spirit of internationalism, if anyone would like to bring a small snack from their country, I won’t argue!  Any Dad who has the time is absolutely welcome!


Peter McLeod