Week 13 Update

Hello everyone!

At the start of the week, we finished off our unit, ‘The Great, the Bold and the Brave.’ The students made a timeline showing the Anglo-Saxon kings; up until the year 1066 when the Normans took over England.

The highlight of the week was the class trip to the Busan science museum. This was a fantastic entry point to our new unit called ‘Fascinating Forces,’ the children had a great time exploring the different exhibits and learning through experiences the museum had to offer. All of this, set them up ready to delve deeper into forces over the next few weeks. After, the trip the students carried out a knowledge harvest to show what they know about forces.

In English we continued with our poetry unit, we explored expanded noun phrases and how we could use them to create a poem. The students took pictures around the school to help them create expanded noun phrases.

This week in Math the students explored probability and the language associated with probability. Learners also discovered the difference between mutually exclusive and NOT mutually exclusive events when conducting chance experiments.