Term 2 – Week 10

As things are winding down towards the end of the term we come to the end of the second last week of term 2. With this in mind, we will be doing an informal test week next week as an opportunity for the students to see what they have learnt during the term. These test does not count towards any grade or progression but is purely a way for students to show what they excel in, and inform me what students still need to work on.

The test schedule as well as the areas covered have been handed out to the students. In short, the test schedule is as follows: Monday – Math; Tuesday – English Writing; Wednesday – IMYC and Thursday – English (SPaG)

This week in English, we concluded our unit on persuasive writing by looking at news articles, their structure and their purpose and tone.

In Science, we looked at DNA, Genes and inheritance of traits. The students got to “create” a unique DNA sequence for a dog that yielded a unique dog for each student.

In History, we looked at Chronology seeing what we know about when significant events took place.

In Math, we focused on algebra, especially equations and manipulated them to give the desired outcome. Students solved equations and changed the subject of the formula.

We also had the opportunity to act as mentors and help Ms Sims’ class to construct their model houses for their unit on buildings.

Remember to take the home Covid test on Sunday and to only let us know if there is a positive result.

That is all for this week, I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend,