HFS Newsletter – Term 1 – Week 14

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New Covid-19 Regulations

Please remember that the new Covid-19 regulations require 10 days quarantine for anyone returning from abroad, regardless of vaccination status. Also, if a family member is quarantined in the same location as a student attending school, that student should not attend school during the period of the quarantine.

If you have any questions or need any advice regarding Covid-19 regulations the School Admin Office is always ready to help.

Term 2 Invoices

Term 2 invoices have been issued today and will either be sent home with the student or sent directly to a site office. Please contact the Admin Office if you have any questions.

Winter Show

The Winter Show is still scheduled for Friday 17th December at 2 pm, with parents welcome to attend. Hopefully, this arrangement won’t be affected by any new Covid-19 restrictions but we will keep you informed. We will also be filming the event for those unable to attend.

This Week’s Core Value

Each week we focus on a different one of our school’s Core Values. This week’s Core Vale was CONFIDENCE. We will certainly need to show some confidence when we perform in the Winter Show.

HFS 40th Anniversary

In 2022 HFS will be celebrating its 40th Anniversary. As part of these celebrations, we will be trying to get in contact with as many former students as possible to hear about their memories of HFS and where they are now. We are hoping to inspire our current students by showing them that they are part of a long tradition of international education in Ulsan and that HFS students go on to do great things in the world.

More details to follow.

Great Learning Happening

Data Handling in Maths with Mr Green
Our Christmas tree is up!
Writers’ Workshop with Mrs M
Book bags packed and ready for the weekend
The stage has been made for the Winter Show
The Upper School had a great trip to Ongi Village