Newsletter 2019/20 Term 3 Week 11

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Dear Parents,


As we complete the final week of the term, we have been fortunate to have had a week of pleasant, warm weather. These are the items of news that I would like to share with you at this time.



Term 3 Student Progress Reports


I am very pleased that the term 3 student progress reports were sent out to parents today. The reports provide a breakdown of your child’s learning progress throughout this term, including information from any assessments that they might have taken. On Monday 13 July, student workbooks will be sent home for you to see the work that they have been doing this term. Please review them and mention any concerns you may have to your child’s teacher in the parent-teacher conferences next week. I am sure you will be pleased with your child’s learning progress throughout this term.



Parent Teacher Conferences on Thursday 16 July 


Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on Thursday 16 July from 09:20 to 3:30 pm. This term’s Parent Teacher Conferences will be conducted online through Google Meet. To secure your interview slot, please ensure that you have signed up by clicking on and completing this online sign-up sheet by Tuesday 14 July. A gentle reminder for parents to inform the admin office if they require a laptop to access the interviews. School laptops will be sent home with the students on Wednesday after school if parents have requested one. Please ensure that you can access and use Google Meet before the day of the conferences. Click here for an instruction guide. A link for your child’s class will be sent out on the day and parents are asked to only click on the link at their scheduled interview time. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.



Two-week Taekwondo Summer Camp from 20 to 31 July 


A friendly reminder that HFS will be hosting a free two-week Taekwondo Summer Camp at the school during the summer break from 20 July to 31 July. The lessons will be taught by two fully qualified English-speaking Taekwondo experts and will take place from 10:00 to 12:00 Monday through Friday. Since the school is closed we are unable to provide a bus to and from the school during the summer camp. The instructors will give a demonstration at the assembly on Monday.  If you would like your child to participate in this initiative, please click here to complete the sign-up form. Responses must be submitted by Tuesday 14 July. I look forward to this exciting and rewarding initiative.



End of the Year Assembly on Friday 17 July


On Friday 17 July HFS will hold its end of term assembly. This time it will be very special since we are combining the students’ International group projects with the assembly proceedings. The program will include the international project presentations, a selection of work presented by each class, the Commendation and Citizenship Award for this term as well as the FS 2 and Year 9 Graduations. We will also sadly bid farewell to those leaving HFS. The assembly will run from 1:40 to 3:30 pm and is open to students of HFS and their parents.



For the school dance that is scheduled for 5:00 pm, Students will be dismissed at 3:30 pm and doors will open at 5:00 pm. Parents are asked to kindly refrain from parking in the open square. Parking will be available in the parking tower for the duration of the event. HFS will provide a parking coupon from the school office when you leave.


That is all for this week. Thank you for your continued support and do have a wonderful weekend.



Mr. Kearney