Newsletter 2017/18 Term 3 Week 6

Posted in - Latest News


Dear Parents,


This week just flew by fast as it was short.  Enjoy the pictures below.  If you have any questions, please contact the office.





PTA 뉴스레터 헤드


As it is nearing the end of the year we want to do something different for all the children and families on a Thursday afternoon! 

At midday the children will walk to the clubhouse.  There will be a pizza lunch provided by the PTA, we will be asking for parents to provide yummy treats as well.

After lunch the children will be sitting down with some popcorn and watching a movie!  They will then return to school before the end of day bell.

A notice will be going home with the children next week, you will be asked to return with numbers of family that will be attending, so that we can provide lunch for all of them.


Have a super weekend! 


Best Wishes,


Peter McLeod