Newsletter 2017/18 Term 1 Week 14

Posted in - Latest News


Dear Parents,

All is well at HSF and we had another great week!  Students and staff are busy preparing for the end of term.  If you have any questions regarding the contents of the newsletter, please do not hesitate to contact us. 
Fire Drill
 On next Monday HFS will a fire evacuation drill with the fire department. This is only a drill.  Parents need not be worried when they receive a text alert message. All parents will receive a test alert text message.


Winter Show
 Students and teachers have been working hard to prepare for our upcoming Winter Show on Wednesday December 6th. We expect our audience to be seated by 6:30pm.  See you there!

Report Cards
 We want you to be aware that all students will bring home their report cards on next Friday December 8th.

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Year 7/8/9 Horror Stories
 Year 7/8/9 students have written horror short stories. They created an E-Book of the stories and it is ready to download here.  Please be advised that some of these stories may not be suitable for younger members of the school.
If any parents would like to volunteer in the library after school on any day, please contact school.  We can always use the help!
Have a great weekend!  30 minutes each day of reading for Everyone!

Peter McLeod