Term 3 Week 3 Homework

Wow! We had an adventurous week! We began Monday by finding out The Mighty Freeze had hidden all the pages of the storybook Ms. M went to the library to get. We saw their signature snowflakes all around and were able to retrieve the pages. Then we had to put the book back in order! After putting the book back in order and telling the story of the Three Little Pigs, we returned to the classroom and imagined what it would be like if Super Daisy from the previous week hadn’t saved us from Planet Pea. The peas we made got into the strawberries and sandwiches! Later in the day we made our own superhero 3-panel comic books and practiced writing some words.

On Tuesday, we used our tablets to create our own superhero avatars. We linked them with the IEYC personal goals and gave them names. For example, Kind-Heart is Empathetic and Dr. Change is Adaptable. We created a lovely display to remind us of these qualities that now hangs on our board in the classroom.

On Wednesday we painted superheroes using our imagination and watercolours. I’m so impressed with how much the children’s artistic skills have improved over the course of this year.

On Thursday The Mighty Freeze struck again, kidnapping a host of superheroes. We rescued them from around the room and soon after began designing our own superhero costumes.

On Friday we had a day that was not nearly as messy as anticipated. Thank you, parents, for dressing your children in appropriate clothes. We began making our superhero costumes. We began this unit by making our masks and on Friday we painted our wrist bands and belt buckles. We also tie dyed our capes. The final result will be revealed tomorrow.

Throughout the week, we had plenty of play time as well. The children are very proud of the structures they’ve been building with our blocks and the puzzles they’ve been solving.

With Mr. de Klerk’s and Mr. Dunn’s class away on the school residential trip, we had a special assembly on Friday dealing with our core value of Respect. Sometimes the students across the school do not treat each other or the teachers with appropriate respect and we felt it was a good idea to focus on this core value as a whole community. We divided into groups and researched respect. We drew pictures of how we could show respect (that was largely done by our class), we found the definition of respect, some synonyms, and some quotes about respect and made beautiful posters to help remind us of this most important of core values. It was great seeing the children across the year groups work together and help each other.

That’s it for Week 3! A quick note that we will be having a trip in Week 6. A permission form and details will come out soon. Let’s keep learning!