End-of-Year Trip to Gyeongju World

To celebrate the end of the school year we will be going to Gyeongju World on Wednesday 21st June (the last week of term).

Please complete the permission form and send the money to the school to cover the entrance fee. The school is subsidising this trip and providing transportation.

Trip fee

  • Mrs Leah’s, Mr Dunn’s class: 14,000 won
  • Mr de Klerk’s class: 18,000 won

Students in Mrs Leah’s, Mr Dunn’s and Mr de Klerk’s classes will be returning to school at 4.30 and will therefore take the second bus.

Students will need:

  • to wear a school shirt (we suggest the cool P.E shirt)
  • to wear a hat
  • to either bring a packed lunch or money to buy food (packed lunch is quicker and gives more time for rides)