Y5-6 Art – Term 2 Week 7

Choi So Young, a Korean artist, is famous for her colorful and stunning artwork created using old denim jeans. Her pieces are known for their intricate designs and attention to detail, and have been showcased in galleries worldwide. Our IPC theme for this project is ‘Building in a village’, and we will follow Choi So Young’s footsteps to create our artwork.

During our art lesson, we explored Choi So Young’s work and identified the various colors and patterns she uses. We also discussed denim jeans and their production process, with the children feeling the fabric and describing its texture. Through this, we discovered how Choi So Young turns everyday items into art.

This denim collage project will be a collaborative effort between pairs of children. They will choose a piece of Choi So Young’s artwork that they like and begin sketching. Next week, they will use denim to create their own building. The children are thrilled to work on this project and can’t wait to bring their ideas to life.