Term 2 Week 10

Dear Parents,

I hope you are all well and having a great start to the weekend.

In IPC this week we continued our unit, “It’s Shocking” by looking at batteries and electrical circuits. The students were so excited to bring in their battery operated toys and do a ‘Show and Tell’ presentation. They all spoke with such confidence. We learned all about electric circuits and how to make a light bulb light up. They all had so much fun! We also looked at electrical devices around the classroom and school and made a chart of which ones needed batteries to work. The homework is to find electrical items around the home. I hope they will enjoy looking for things in their home too 🙂

In English, we learned about different features of a recipe and why they need to be written a certain way. We also looked more closely at what verbs are usually used in a recipe and why they are so important. Next week, we are going to be putting our hand written recipes to the test! The Year 2 students made their own recipes for ‘Jam Sandwiches’ and we will use them to make some delicious sandwiches next week. In rotations, Year 1 students are working on their reading fluency and trying to read words without sounding each word out one by one out loud. We call this “Fred in your head”. The children can read it like d-o-g in their head but should try to say the complete word ‘dog’ as they read out loud. Year 2 students have been working on extended sentences in their rotations and had fun trying to convince the character to eat her peas! The students had to think of things that would encourage her to eat them. They practised using commas and ensured they used the correct punctuation when building their sentences to make a paragraph.

In Maths, this week Year 1 students were learning all about mass and capacity! Two new words for them! We had fun weighing different objects, checking to see how many objects we could hold in our hands and making our own bodies into scales! We used our arms to show which item would be the heaviest and slanted one arm down to the side to show the heavier item. This helped the children visualise that the scale always goes down at the side that is heavier. The Year 2 students were learning all about time this week. We looked at quarter past, half past and quarter to. Time is a very difficult concept and it takes some time for the children to learn. For our American students, I am sorry! It is even more confusing for them! Hopefully the Homework will help consolidate what we learned and give them a little more practise.

Year 1 Ditties

Year 1 students who are studying the red Ditty books will have been sent a book along with a ‘Red Ditty’ book. We work on this book during our rotations now. The book will be sent home each week to practise. This will have been read together in class and the idea is that the children should be able to come home and confidently read it to mum or dad. The writing book has been sent home to complete. Whatever we don’t manage to do during rotations time will be sent home to finish. Please use the Ditty to find the answers. For the “Hold a sentence” section, which only a few didn’t complete, you may read a sentence from the book to your child and have them write it in the space.

Positive Pathways

Positive Pathways is our class behaviour support programme where we work on meeting ‘destinations'(goals). We set goals as a class and work on them, usually over a few weeks. Some take longer than others. This week’s destination is “Remembering to be respectful”. We discussed how we can be respectful to our friends and teachers and we all try to remind each other how to achieve our goal. We moved half way along the pathway this week-well done Year 1/2.

The start of our pathway
Some previous destinations 🙂

Spelling Test

You may have noticed there are no spelling test words this week. Next week we will be having a little PTA event so there will be no spelling tests taking place next Friday.

That’s all for this week 🙂 Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Sim

Working hard on our Maths technology station with our new cute tables.