Weekly Update – T2W10

Hello and happy Friday to you all!

We have just finished off another week of great learning with some netball. I played this sport at university and loved teaching them some of my skills today. 

In English, we continued on with our unit on Explanations, exploring how to use a chewing gum machine. We looked at the steps to using one and broke it down into five sections using a flowchart. The children then had to create their own explanations ensuring they used a title, time connectives, capital letters, full stops/question marks and pictures. We then tried to make our own sandwiches so that children could think about the steps of making something. As we made it, we used the language we had learned e.g. “First, we get a bread roll”. “Next, cut the roll.”  The children said this was the BEST lesson ever. They not only enjoyed the making (and eating) but they produced some great explanations! 

Enjoyinh their sandwiches

In IPC, we have had a busy week of crafting and building. At the beginning of the week we completed our own town of wooden houses and buildings. Mr de klerk’s students came to mentor and help us make them and we were very thankful. Great teamwork and cooperation. We also put together our apartments that we worked on last week. We made blocks using card and lollipop sticks to look like a block of an apartment building. We spoke about shapes that work best to support buildings. After putting it together we added it to our display of wooden houses. It looks fantastic! 

We then moved onto our science section of the unit and looked at creating bridges using only 1 sheet of A4 paper. The students were allowed to change the shape of the paper but weren’t allowed to use any tape. We had a little competition to see whose bridge could hold the most coins. We managed to get up to 74! It was a really fun activity. Today, we spoke about what we could use instead of tape to make buildings. We decided that glue would be a great idea! So we tried to make our own homemade glue and compare how strong it was compared to glue stick glue and PVA glue. The children made predictions as to which one would be the strongest. We stuck buttons onto a paper plate using each of the glues and afterwards, turned it upside down to see which one would fall off. They all stuck well so we decided to check how easy they were to pick off. Our homemade glue came off straight away! The children enjoyed making the glue and it was great to see what they all predicted.

In PE, we continued with our gymnastics unit on shapes. The students made lots of new shapes using their bodies and we tried to see how quickly we could form the shapes when I said the name of it.

To end the week we had a lovely new student join our class and we were all so excited! Welcome Ana! We are so happy to have you here with us! One of the students wrote her a letter and it was so lovely I had to attach it here.

We are trying to be good leaders in class!

Have a lovely weekend! See you all on Monday!