Weekly Update – T1W5

Term 1 Week 5

Hello! I hope you are all well. We have had a busy week this week with lots of great learning happening. 

Spelling Tests

Now that the children have settled into our routines and are doing well with the rotations in class I am going to begin giving spelling tests each week. Every Friday, a sheet with the week’s spelling words will be sent home. It will include both words that the children are expected to spell at this age and words that we have read in class that week. The children should try to practise these words as much as possible. I have sent home a brown notebook for the children to practise writing the words in. This can be kept at home and doesn’t need to be returned.

I will also review them each morning. The test will be given on Friday mornings. I don’t want the children to feel stressed by it. I have explained to them that spelling tests help us to become better writers. 

Here is an example spelling practise sheet:

In English, we have been working hard in our rotations and began our phonics and reading groups. Each day the students will have 30 minutes of “Teacher Time” where they will work on phonics and comprehension. 

In IPC, we have had a very emotional week (hehe) learning about “Zones of regulation”. The children have worked hard to come up with strategies to help them stay in the green zone. This is the zone where we learn best in and try to get into. We made posters, advice cards and tracked our emotions throughout one of our lessons to see what things make our emotions change. I am confident that this will  help the children throughout the year when dealing with all their emotions.

I sent home some of the children’s art work today along with their homework and library books.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and do something fun together. <3 See you on Monday!