Term 2 – Week 11

As we stand at the end of another busy term we gaze back at the term and all we have accomplished. This week we took the opportunity to do some end of term assessments for the students to gauge their mastery of the different subjects. All the students applied themselves admirably to the task of test writing and took it very seriously, and for the most part, could be happy with their results. But yet again this is not about the results but about the students evaluating if they have mastered the skills required of them during the term.

In IMYC, we finished off our study in Science of inheritance and genes by looking at dominant and recessive alleles and learning how to predict the phenotype of the offspring from the parent’s genotypes. In History, we looked more at sources used in history and especially at photos and the different techniques used to manipulate what is shown in photographs. As a fun activity, the students got a chance to take and manipulate some pictures for themselves.

In Math, we wound the term down by doing some Fibonacci sequences and spirals, as well as using some of the maths we learnt throughout the term to solve the mystery of who poured chilli oil into the Easter egg chocolate mix. Margo was the first to solve the mystery.

Incorporating our core value for the week: “environmental awareness” into our English lesson we did some reading on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and looked at some ideas of how we can help alleviate the problem in our daily lives.

Sadly we are saying goodbyes to two of our class members at the end of this term. Iris is moving back with her family to their home country of Malaysia and Theo is moving schools to Busan. We wish them all the best and great success in their future endeavors and will miss their contributions to the class.