Update – Week 13

This week in IMYC we looked at a variety of topics, in Geography we looked at how different cultures use natural materials for their properties. We went out to the reservoir and the learners had to select natural materials based on their properties to make a bridge. The learners then had to come to class and make their bridges to support a certain weight using only natural materials.

In Science, we looked at combustion reactions and their byproducts as a way in which elements can form new materials from the original reactants. In IMYC learners had to review some classic computer games from different genres using the rubric of their own design. This is leading to the designing and creating their own computer games.

In Technology learners had to use what they have learnt about different textiles to design gloves for specific functions based on the properties and uses of the different textiles.

In Math, learners learnt more about expressions that consist of variables and how to add subtract multiply and divide by variables, including variables with different powers.

In English, learners looked at delivering poems and how to make that delivery more engaging especially for younger learners. The learners also wrote, illustrated and recorded poems aimed at younger learners. Learners also looked at synonyms and shades of meaning of words and expressions.