Update week 8

During English class this week we looked at presentation skills. During last week the presentations were recorded so we had the opportunity to look at ourselves and do self assessment. This helps us be more honest with ourselves and also see where we are going right and what we can improve on. We then used this new insight to prepare another presentation, using our reading skills we learnt last week. The learners then had to opportunity to present their Halloween presentations aimed at their groups specific target age group and evaluate each other and give constructive feedback.

During Math we looked at direct and inverse proportions, and how to use formulae to work out these relationships. From there we moved onto substituting into different formulae. We also looked at how to manipulate equations to find the value of a variable.

During IMYC we had the opportunity to look at the history of money and why money developed. We also looked at different of systems that was used before the invention of money and their drawbacks. The class also completed and presented their history assignment about the consequences of world War II on the Korean peninsula.