HFS Newsletter – Term 1 – Week 4

Posted in - Latest News

There was no Newsletter last week because of the Chuseok Holiday and a lot has been happening in school since then.

Upcoming Dates

The Winter Show will be on Wednesday 14th December.

This year it will be held in the auditorium on the first floor of the Hanmauem Centre. This is a great opportunity for the students to perform on a big stage (and for parents to have comfortable seats to sit in).

Halloween – We will have a Halloween party with dressing-up on Friday 28th October. The PTA will be organising Halloween and you can get involved by contacting Mrs Leah.


Thank you to everyone who has volunteered and is helping in school. We have parents working in the library, helping with clubs and supporting students with extra learning opportunities.


We have had a few cases of COVID-19 in school recently.

Please remember that if you need any advice or help with issues related to COVID-19, the Admin Office is happy to help.

40th Birthday Celebration

Last Wednesday the school held an event to celebrate our 40th birthday.

We heard some great speeches from former teachers and from the Chairman of our Board. The student also posted their letters to themselves into the time capsule.

Thank you to everyone who either came to the event or helped with providing the kids with great party food.

P.E Attire

To help us keep our students safe during P.E lessons, please remember

  • Long hair needs to be tied up. Please make sure your child has a hair grip and can tie their own hair
  • Students need to wear appropriate footwear
  • Timetables for each class, showing when PE happens, are available on class pages
  • Earrings need to be removed or not worn on PE days

Changing your Bus Arrangements

Please remember that if your child is not going to take the bus, or their stop is changing we need you to contact the Admin Office or the Bus Supervisor. We cannot change arrangements based on what students tell us verbally and we will always call to check.

Class Pages and Updates

Be sure to check out the latest Class Posts from your child’s teacher


Everyone looked amazing in their Hanbok or national dress!