Newsletter, Februrary 15th 2016

Posted in - Latest News

Week 6, Term 2

Assessment Week

Over the next 2 weeks students at HFS will be completing a number of Assessments. Assessments at HFS are generally diagnostic in nature and help our teachers to assess progress, strengths and gaps in student learning and are levelled against UK and international standards.

The number of assessments vary by year level and are schedule by class teachers in order to minimize stress to our students and disruption in learning.

If your child is going to be absent during this time or if you have any other questions regarding assessment week please notify your child’s class teacher.

International Week (March 2nd-March 4th)


HFS’s International Week is nearly here and we’re very excited to continue our International Food Share. However we need our community’s help to make this event as successful as it has been in the past. We’re looking for volunteers or groups of volunteers to set-up and run a small table with a selection of traditional dishes from a country of your choice.

If you’re interested in helping please contact Mr Jones or visit the link below for more information:

Student Council International Week Dance

The HFS Student Council are proud to announce the first HFS international dance on Friday, March 4th. Tickets are 5,000 won each and will go on sale next week with all proceeds going to Save the Children. The Council chose this charity because they wanted to help aid the young victims of the Syrian War.

The dance will feature a range of international music, a raffle (included with ticket purchase) and will be split in to two parts for the different year groups.

  • FS1-Year 2 3:45-4:30 (parents welcome to attend)
  • Year 3-9: 4:30 – 5:30 

Both events will be chaperoned by Student Council members & HFS staff.

Ski Trip

Last Friday the year 5-9s had a wet, but successful ski trip. A big thank you to: all the kids for their positive attitudes despite the less than positive conditions, Mrs Van Helden for organizing the event; Paul for volunteering (again!) and all teachers for their hard work.

Mr McCrimmon

Just a reminder to all that Mr McCrimmon will be off all week spending time his with wife and new son, Jason. Mr Jones will be filling in year 1 for him.

Community Forum

Coming up on the 23rd of February at 7pm is our annual Community Forum. We’ll be sharing the results from our recent Community Questionnaire, reviewing our Parents Policy and listening to any suggestions, feedback or concerns. We hope to see you all there.

February 29th– March 1st  School Closed: INSET & Independence Day Holiday

Another quick reminder that February the 29th is an In-service Education and Training (INSET) Day and the following day, Independence Day, is a national holiday. The school will be closed both of these days.

Have a great week!