EYC News – Term 1, Monday 12th October

Posted in - Early Years News

Welcome back after a long weekend for Hangeul Day celebrations. This week will be a full week and we are offering children the opportunity to change their library book tomorrow as the start of our additional book change day so please send your child’s library book into school to be changed.   

Classes will continue to visit the library on Fridays as a class with their teachers for their library lesson. In addition, our parent volunteer will take the children in pairs to change their books throughout the morning on a Tuesday . Please note that if your child is thoroughly enjoying their library book, it is not essential for them to change it until the Friday. Library books will always be changed on Fridays.
Please note, there maybe some Tuesdays when your child does not have the opportunity to change their library book. This might be due to many children wishing to change their books or our parent volunteer is absent.

Shared Learning

Our first “Shared Learning” session will be held on Monday 19th October, F1 at 11:40am and F2 at 2:50pm.
Shared Learning is a 20 minute session at the end of the school day when parents are invited into the classroom to be shown their child’s learning over the last 4 to 6 weeks. Children have the responsibility to show their parents around the classrooms, showing parents their recent work and explaining the different areas of the classrooms. Teachers are present for parents to discuss progress and targets if/when necessary.

The learning journals are accessible online on the day of each shared learning session. Teachers recommend for parents to bring a mobile device to shared learning, which has Internet access, so that they can access the observations and assessments in the learning journal during Shared Learning. However, this can be done at home later with both parents and child. Accessing during Shared Learning will allow for parents to receive support in navigating their child’s online learning journey, if help is needed.
Parental attendance is optional, however we recommend for parents to join shared learning as we find that those children whose parents do not attend can become upset during the session. In the past we have had parents who ‘share’ the shared learning sessions with a friend, attending every other session and spending time with their own child and their friend’s child. This worked well for some parents with younger siblings.

F1 Trip to Small World Play Park

On Wednesday 4th November, F1 children will visit the Small World Play Park located on the old road to Jujeon Beach. Please note this later date replaces the original date stated on the term planner (14th October).  We ask for parents to complete and submit the online form to give permission for their child to attend. The online permission form together with more details is posted on the Early Years class page on the right hand side under ‘forms’. 

Individual Photographs for the Year Book

On Tuesday 20th October, Mr Green will be taking individual photos of F1 and F2 children for the yearbook. We ask for children to come to school wearing either their red or blue school uniform shirt on this day.

Parent Volunteers

Thank you again for the huge amount of support we are receiving from our parent helpers. I have added a section to our Early Years class page that includes ‘Reminders for Parent Volunteers’. This can be found on the right hand side under ‘Parent Volunteers’. Please note, a fire drill at the EYC will be performed on Friday 16th October. All volunteers must also follow this practice if they are on site at the time of the drill.

Thank you for taking the time to read the EYC News. I wish you all a successful week. 

Gemma Goode
Early Years Centre Team Leader