Week 8 & 9 Update

Wow! I can’t believe how the time has flown past! It’s been so wonderful watching the children learn and grow and overcome some fear of minibeasts to get some great learning done. We’ve looked at butterflies and ladybirds (not too scary) and worms (a little more scary, or at least slimy!). We’ve done some categorizing of different types of minibeasts looking at whether they crawled around or flew. We learned that spiders always have 8 legs and were astounded to see just how many legs a centipede has.

We had our first foray into research looking at our library full of minibeast books, drawing a variety of minibeasts of our choosing based on what we saw in the book, and classifying our drawings into flying or crawling minibeasts.

In phonics we continued to look at letter sounds and practice letter formation. The students are becoming very independent writers!

We practiced doing some sums with spots on ladybirds!

Next week is our last week of school. I can’t believe it! You have received my update regarding Tuesday’s trip. Something to add: as the Kids Cafe is a public area, please wear your school polo on Tuesday so we can easily identify the children.

On Friday the children’s lockers will be emptied as well as their baskets of workbooks and any work they have done that has not gone home this term will be sent home. Kindly send a shopping bag that we can put everything into for ease of transportation.

If you have any library books at home that have not made it back to school, please do send them next week as Ms. Yuli and Ms. Mila would like to get everything checked back in for the summer.

That’s all for this week! Have a great weekend. Enjoy the sun. We’ll see you Monday!