Term 2 Week 1 Update

Hello and welcome back! I trust everyone had a restful holiday.

We jumped right back into action this week with exciting new learning!

In Phonics we are finishing up our Unit 2: Initial Sounds. This week we looked at the letters J and X. We also learned there’s not a lot of letters which begin with X so we found words that end with X. There’s a lot more of those.

In Writer’s Workshop we’re revisiting our Storyteller’s unit. We reviewed topics we can write about such as things we love and things that happened in the past and we began looking at when to use capital letters vs. lowercase letters in our writing.

We began a new unit in Maths. We will spend the next few weeks looking at teen numbers. We began by reviewing groups of 10 and moved on to 11, and 12 emphasizing that teen numbers are “ten plus some more”. We even had our friends from Mr. Dunn’s class come help us visualize 12 by standing on a life-sized tens frame and counting them as a big group of 10 and adding on the 2 students who didn’t fit on the 10s frame.

In IEYC we began our new unit called Animal Rescuers. We will be learning about animals and habitats. We began by role playing an animal hospital. Then, we transformed our play area into a jungle. We found animal tracks by the river in the jungle and made animal tracks of our own with plastic animals and paint. We danced the Animal Boogie to learn how jungle animals move.

Of course, we reconnected with our friends and had a great time playing.

But boy were we tuckered out by the end of the week today.

That’s it for this week! Please keep an eye on this page for the Term 2 Curriculum Overview so you will know what’s planned for this exciting term.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you on Monday refreshed and ready to go!