Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 1

Hello and welcome back! Here we go Term 3! Yay!

It has been so lovely being reunited with the children after the break. I have loved hearing all about what they got up to. I bet mummy and daddy are happy to have them back at school too!

This week we have spent some time reviewing routines and getting back into school life. Two weeks is a long time for young children so I like to give them time to adjust again after a little break. We reviewed our jobs, our schedule, our responsibilities and we had a little chat about how to be respectful, kind and loving to others around us 🙂 This week we are continuing on with our goal “Remembering to be respectful” on our Positive Pathway and the students have been doing wonderfully. We are speaking nicely to teachers and friends and trying to stay calm and solve our problems through words.

Pen pal Letters

The children were very excited to get their letters from their pen pals in Spain. They arrived during the break. Their little faces when they were opening them made me smile. After we have replied to the letters I will send them home for you to read.

In Maths, Year 1 students have been learning how to add using a number line this week. They enjoyed drawing the little jumps to find the answers. We also looked at different ways that we can regroup numbers and reviewed number bonds to 10.

Year 2 started their new unit and have been busy weighing things, making “pancakes” with objects to work out how many grams we need of each ingredient and halving and doubling recipe ingredients.

In IPC this week we have started two brand new units! Yay! In the first unit we explored ‘Creators and Communicators’, and tried to experience different ways people communicate with each other. We sent notes to other classrooms, practised calling each other using cups and string, and even had a go at using the Morse Code. On Tuesday, we started another unit all about musical families. We learned the names of the four musical families: strings, brass, woodwind, and percussion. This unit will be taught every Tuesday and will give the students a chance to look at these musical instrument families in more detail. 

In English this week, the students started a new unit called, “You’ll Never Believe It”, which is all about Fantasy stories and poems. It’s going to be a fun one! They looked at the difference between real and pretend places, and read the story “Dragon Land”, which included plenty of pretend places. The students thought up some of their own magical pretend places, by using imaginative language. Later in the week they listened to a story about a quiet place and discussed why certain places would be considered quiet and why some would be considered noisy. We also looked at making sentences longer using commas and wrote our very own stories. (Year 2).

In PE we had lots of fun with Ms Temple this week! The students started the unit “Healthy Bodies” This health-focused unit involves learners developing their understanding of the importance of being physically active and how they can improve their health through the foods that they eat. This week we looked at the importance of warming up and cooling down before and after physical activities.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! I hope the air clears so we can get outside and enjoy the lovely spring weather.

Love Mrs.Sim