Term 2 Week 7

Can anyone else believe that week 7 of this term is already gone? Winter seems to be dragging on, but somehow the time flies… we had a couple of nice days this week and I think everyone is ready for that springtime air!

In math we did some review with time telling as many students showed some difficulties on out Time Unit test. Telling the time is something that takes practice, so parents please continue to encourage and ask the time on analog clocks! Most of us carry digital devices now, but it will always be a useful skill to read a good old fashioned clock face.

In English we continue to look at format and informal letters and how to format them. We also focused on homophones (words that are spelled different and mean different things but sound the same) and synonyms (different words that mean the same things). Students had a lot of practice writing out word meanings and sentences during our tech free week, but I am really pleased at how determined students have been with their work – such nice hand writing and strong spelling shining through!

For IPC we started a science unit on the states of matter and using the scientific method. Monday we focused on three states of matter and became familiar with their properties. We used our bodies to wiggle around and mimic the molecular energy of each state! On Wednesday we looked at formulating questions and making observations to form hypothetizes. We studied the proprieties of various types of milks to determine which milk was which; it was really fun to watch students smell, touch, whisk, weigh, and make notes about their findings. We got a little silly at the end of our in class lab, but hopefully we can enjoy more experiments for this unit responsibly.

On Friday we took some time to crack open the computers and restage our devices for learning. With our inboxes emptied and desktops cleared we are ready to use our digital devices for learning come next Monday. After all the writing we’ve done in English, I am sure everyone is looking forward to the gamified fun of Education City for grammar and math practice!

Lastly, this week we said good bye to a dear friend and wished him well on his new adventure. Thank you for the gifts, snack, and memories 🙂

Remember next week there is no school on Wednesday and there will be information on our class field trip the next few weeks!

Mrs. Leah