Update Week 9

This week in English we looked at extreme weather and how it is depicted in literature. First we looked at the language and structure used in news articles and secondly we looked at the language and structure of a poem dealing with the same type of weather. We looked at the why both of these types of literature are written. The students also got the opportunity to act out a scene from an explorers diary, making use of different techniques to bring the story to life.

In Math we looked at different forms of transformations with figures on a X,Y-plain. We looked at translations, reflections and rotations.

In the Science component of IMYC we are starting with chemistry and this week we were looking at atoms and how our understanding of atoms has progressed through the years, students also looked at the periodic table of elements and how it is set up. We learnt more about protons, neutrons and electrons and how these influence an atoms atomic number, mass number and charge.

For Technology we looked at different factors that influence our choice in textiles and where textiles come from. We compared the feel of different textiles both man-made and natural.

As a study into our local Geography we looked at a survival situation in and around the school area and what natural and man-made resources are available to us.

In IMYC we looked at the evolution of computer games and how the development of technology lead to an advancement in games, as well as how creative thinking influenced games.

On Friday everyone looked positively spooky (or cute) as they dressed up for the Halloween activities at school.