FS 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 4

FS1-2 friends read the story “Chameleons”.

We learned when and how chameleons colour change with this story.

We had a fun time drawing Chameleons on OHP film and colouring in.

Here are our chameleons!

Y 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 4

Y1-2 Students shared our feelings when they are happy, sad, angry.

We expressed the different expressions of faces using rectangle, circle, half moon and triangle.

It was so much fun how the faces changes with a little movement.

Y 3-5 Art – Term 1 Week 4

Y3-5 students learned more about Egyptian Gods by watching a video.

Then they made a poster of Egyptian Gods and Goddess they picked.

Everyone sketched so hard and it looks fantastic! Well done, everyone!

Y 6-9 Art – Term 1 Week 4

Y6-9 students did a fun painting inspired by the famous 1950’s artist Jackson Pollock.

We created a cool abstract painting using lots of colourful paints.

We dipped our brushes in a colour and quickly flicked our wrists towards the paper. It created a mixed-up effect!

Here are our fantastic paintings!

FS 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 3

This week FS1-2 friends painted a rainbow on their hands and pressed it on to a rainbow shape.

Now we know all the colour names we learned this time and can say it.

Our hand prints created a beautiful rainbow. We made and added colourful flying balloons next to our rainbow.

Y 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 3

This week Y1-2 students reviewed warm and cool colours we learned last week.

We had a sorting game with warm and cool colours.

Y1-2 students could identify the difference of colours.

This time we drew the object Autumn leaves using warm colours with a background of cool colours.

Their works are delicate and beautiful. Well done. Everyone!

Y 3-5 Art – Term 1 Week 3

This week Y3-5students learned about Ancient Egyptian art.

We talked about the mysteries of Egyptian art, gods, crowns and hieroglyphics.

After that we carved hieroglyphics in the shape of tomb in clay.

It was really fun to experience carving, everyone focused so well.

Next week we are going to learn more about the hidden meaning of the Egyptian gods and we will draw what we picked.

Y 6-9 Art – Term 1 Week 3

Y6-9 students are going to learn about famous artist in the word in this term.

This week we learned about Jackson Pollock’s life, art style, and body of work.

Students closely discovered more about Jackson Pollock with their laptops and picked one impressive work. We described Jackson Pollock’s style of painting, shared why they were interested in his work then we will create a painting using Jackson Pollock’s methods next week.

FS 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 2

FS1-2 friends learnt about the Russian artist Kandinsky’s circle this week.

We have created the circle which we want to add water colours paints to.

Finally, we have colourful abstract circles here.

Y 1-2 Art – Term 1 Week 2

Y1-2 students completed their sun and moon using warm and cool colours.

They enjoyed their painting a lot.

Y1-2 students can find warm colour and cool colour now.