Newsletter 2019/20 Term 3 Week 2

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Dear Parents,

The weather is getting warmer as we head into Summer. There are a few items that I would like to share with you in this week’s newsletter.


Reopening of School

We are all eager to have the school reopen as soon as possible and have teaching and learning return to regular, in-class normalcy. Following the MoE’s recent announcement of the guideline on re-opening of the schools in Korea, we have been in consultation with the Ulsan Metropolitan Office of Education and when we receive their feedback, we will communicate it to you in the course of next week the exact date that the school will reopen once it is confirmed. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard.


Wizard of Oz at the Dongrami Theater


I am pleased that the Dongrami theater production of The Wizard of Oz could go ahead despite the current situation. Well done to our Year 3-4 students Anna Julia and Chris for confidently performing their roles as Tin-Man and the Wizard (Also Munchkin and Magic Monkey) respectively.


Lois and Jeremy’s Birthday


A number of special days to celebrate this week. Today it is Lois Ha-Won Lee’s birthday and yesterday it was Jeremy Philip’s birthday. To both of you, happy birthday from HFS and we hope you both could make it memorable and celebrate in style.


Farewell to Aki


On a sad note this week we bid farewell to Aki Storie who has been in Japan participating in our E-learning program. In the time that he has been at HFS, Aki has proven to be an intelligent, capable and likeable young man and he will be missed by the HFS community.  We wish him and his family only luck and happiness wherever their feet may land and would like them to know that, should they return, they will always have a place at HFS.


Learning Materials Delivery

This afternoon HFS will send the silver school van to deliver learning materials for next week’s online learning. The van will depart the school at 3:30 pm and follow the regular school bus route. Please be at your designated stop at the scheduled time to collect your child’s learning materials.


That is all for this week. Thank you for your continued support and do have a wonderful weekend.



Mr. Kearney