HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 7

Posted in - Latest News

The year is quickly coming to an end and there is a lot going on!


Once again we will be creating a yearbook for this year. The yearbook will feature pictures and messages from all the staff and students and is a lovely way to remember your time at HFS.

Yearbooks cost 20,000won and can be ordered using this form. Orders should be made by Friday 10th June.

End of Year Reports and Parent-Teacher Consultations

End of year report will be published on Tuesday 14th June and will be sent home with students. Your child’s class teacher will be in touch to arrange a Parent-Teacher Consultation Meeting sometime in Week 9 or 10.

End-of Year Trips

Each class will organise a fun end of year trip to celebrate and reward students for all their hard work. Further details will come via the Class Updates.

Classes and teachers for next year

We are busy finalising a few arrangements and will be able to announce classes and teachers for next year before the end of term.

At this time we are happy to tell you that:

  • All our current class teachers will be returning next year
  • We will be employing an additional class teacher and making an additional class
  • We will be employing an additional teaching assistant
  • All our management and Admin staff will be here next year

Anti-Graft Policy

If you are considering giving gifts at the end of the year, please remember that Korea has very strict laws preventing teachers from receiving gifts in most circumstances.

Further details are available here or from the Admin Office

2022/23 Calendar

Here are the term dates for 2022/23